Saturday, January 25, 2014

Tragedies Of The Cultural Revolution

The Cultural Revolution was a time of negative images for galore(postnominal) people. common chord negative experiences that were common for many dissidents were physical abuse, humiliation, and hardships in regards to restless conditions. Some dissidents had worse experiences than others. Despite the troubles these people went by means of they rose above their experiences and were able to get through it alive. Since they ar still with us today we can learn active their stories of pain, loss, and suffering. Ji-Li is never physic tot everyyy abused but does pasture across the issue of a whacking of angiotensin-converting enzyme her fetchs blind drunk friends Uncle Fan. I stopped when I saw his face. It was swollen, bruised, and bloody.(Jiang 173) It is very tragic to see some cardinal ending to you enter your home bloodied and with bruises all across their face. It is even worse because of Ji-Lis age. She is further 12 years old. No one at that age should witness something as terrible as that. One of my dissidents went through something very much worse than what Ji-Li experienced. Niu-Niu was only four years old when she witnessed the unbearable trounces of her father and mother. They jerked my parents manpower high behind their backs, and tied them in that respect with salubrious cords. Then they pushed their heads down and shaved off all their hair. They resisted, struggling. For this their faces were beaten(a) bloody with belts...I saw blood running from their mouths.(Niu 2) This experience is confusable to Ji-Lis experience because they were both beatings. However Niu-Niu rattling witnessed the beating of her parents unlike Ji-Li who only saw the aftermath of the beating of one of her fathers close friends. Another dissident, a cleaning lady in her fifties named Nien Cheng, was arrested and sent to a appreciation house. During her clutch she was interrogated and beaten on many antithetic occ asions. This is different from Ji-Lis expe! rience because Nien Chang is the one that is actually being physically abused. Nien was asked...If you indispensability to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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